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Holi Festival

The most colorful event of the year! 

Join us at the most colorful event of the year, our newly introduced Holi Festival Party!

Holi is a Hindu festival that marks the arrival of spring. Known widely as the Festival of Color, it takes place over two days, and is a celebration of fertility, color, and love, as well as the triumph of good versus evil. Although a Hindu festival, Holi is celebrated by Indians across the country and is a great equalizer. People come together from all walks of life to sing, dance and splash their friends and family with colored powder and water.

A national holiday, it takes place on the last full moon day of the Hindu lunisolar calendar month, which is usually March. This year's national holiday fell on Friday, March 2, 2018; yet, to celebrate properly (aka to avoid Minnesotan winter weather) we will celebrate Holi on June 9th. 

Meet us at the Peace Garden from 12:30-2 pm and prepare to have your life brightened up with bold colorful paint, as well as with provided snacks, music, and dance.

Traditional Holi snacks will be served on a first come, first served basis along with Holi color. Please join us right at 12:30pm to get in line. Potluck is optional, please feel free to bring a food item to share. 


Pro Tip:
While the Holi powders and pigments are completely safe and made from non-toxic substances, locals advise you to put some oil in your hair and moisturize your skin beforehand, so the color is easier to remove. Leave any valuables, like smart phones or cameras, out of the way of the vibrant pigments and maybe don’t wear your best sari!