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Cooking Class

Join Us in the upstairs kitchen of the Community Center for cooking class! 

Li Fan will be making "rice fried with eggs"

January 21, 2016
Upstairs Kitchen in the Community Center Building

If you're interested in performing a cooking demonstration yourself, please email Shanea at


1 cut carrot,corn,onion and shrimp
2 put peas,carrot,corn,shrimp into a pot, blanch the water about three minutes, remove and drain water
3 beat the eggs with salt
4 pour some oil into a frying pan, fry the eggs, put the peas,carrots,corn kernels,onion,shrimps and rice into the pan, stir well until the rice running gas
5 sprinkle with chopped onion and dones

rice      6 bowls
egg      6
pea      half bowl
carrot  2
onion   half
corn     1
shrimp half bowl
green onion 3