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Family Ice Cream Social

The Student Parent HELP Center invites all parenting students and their families to a special ice cream social event!

This event series is organized by a group of CTC residents and non-residents, the UMN Student Parent HELP Center (SPHC).

The Student Parent HELP Center office invites CTC parenting students and families to join us for an Ice Cream Social! Please come enjoy sweet treats, activities, and the chance to connect with other student-parents and their families.

Event Details

All family members, including partners and kids, are welcome to join in on the fun and relaxation as we celebrate the successful completion of another academic year!

RSVP, Please!

If you would like to attend, please fill out this interest form, to help us prepare!

More about Student Parent HELP Center

The University of Minnesota Student Parent Help Center (SPHC) was founded in 1967 as the HELP Center, initially serving all under-represented undergraduate students. In 1984, it transitioned to exclusively assist undergraduates with children, becoming the longest-standing student parent program in the nation. The SPHC supports a diverse range of student parents, including single mothers, fathers, adoptive parents, and other relatives. Engaging in national advocacy, it contributes to policy work groups and co-founded organizations like NASPA's Adult Learners and Students with Children Knowledge Community and HEAASC. The SPHC also advocates for family-friendly practices on the University of Minnesota campus. Since 2016, it has extended services to Graduate and Professional students with children, tailoring programs to meet the specific needs of both undergraduate and graduate student parents. For more information, visit the SPHC's homepage.

Start your own group or event —it's easy, and we're here to help!

This event, like the majority of CTC's events and groups, is made possible and led by one or more resident volunteers.

Do you have an idea of an activity or event for our community? Or want to teach or learn a new skill or hobby or aspect of life? Do you want to help volunteer to bring your or other's ideas into fruition? Email CTC's Community Outreach Manager and/or join CTC's Programs Committee at our next meeting to brainstorm and discuss ideas!