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Youth Story & Activity Time

Join us on the fourth Sunday of the month for an afternoon of captivating stories, crafts, and other activities!

This event is led and organized by a group of CTC residents and non-residents, Turkish American Society of MN (TASMN).

Turkish American Society of Minnesota (TASMN) invites you to our exciting Youth Story & Activity Time on the 4th Sunday of each month! Join us for a magical journey through enchanting stories, followed by creative and engaging activities that will spark your child's imagination and creativity. 

Remember, all youth must be accompanied by an adult. 

Event Details: 

Specific to this Month:

Announcement for March:

Please note that due to Ramadan, there will be no Women’s Club Breakfast or Youth Activity & Storytime in March. We look forward to resuming these gatherings in April!

Please let us know if you can join us by filling out the form below. We can't wait to see you and your little ones for an afternoon of stories, laughter, and creativity!

What to expect:

RSVP, Please!

To secure your spot, please RSVP here now!

Volunteer Opportunity

To ensure the smooth running of the event, we need two volunteers from the CTC Community to assist with the event. Interested individuals are encouraged to contact Serpil Misirli.

About Turkish American Society of MN (TASMN)

Established in 2004, the Turkish American Society of Minnesota (TASMN) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to fostering cultural exchange, education, interfaith dialogue, and humanitarian relief efforts. TASMN endeavors to build bridges of understanding and friendship within the community.

Start your own group or event —it's easy, and we're here to help!

This event, like the majority of CTC's events and groups, is made possible and led by one or more resident volunteers.

Do you have an idea of an activity or event for our community? Or want to teach or learn a new skill or hobby or aspect of life? Do you want to help volunteer to bring your or other's ideas into fruition? Email CTC's Community Outreach Manager and/or join CTC's Programs Committee at our next meeting to brainstorm and discuss ideas!