Board of Directors Corner
Board Members NEEDED
On behalf of the Board of Directors and CTC Management Team, we invite you to Hop on Board and become a member of the Board of Directors! The application is short and simple, and the rewards from service are long-lasting and gratifying.
Here is what former Board Members shared about their experience:
“I find serving in the board both rewarding and challenging. Debating issues and reaching consensus is an invaluable experience for most of life's endeavors. The level of friendship and togetherness forged within the CTC board is a therapeutic change from the hectic life of studentship. Being able to play a role in shaping policy helps me understand the necessity of the sometimes unpopular decisions made for continued growth of CTC. I would highly recommend you consider serving.” -EM
“I volunteered to be a board member only after a current board member asked me. I was already active in the community on several committees, and I found that it was fun and a great way to get to know my community. I liked the idea of serving my community and coincidentally, I had made it a goal of mine to get experience serving on a board. It looks great on a resume to say that you are a "Board Director" for a diverse organization with a $4 million operating budget. Not to mention, you get to help decide where your own rent money should be going. It has been a great experience. I encourage anyone to join us if they have an interest in serving on a board and making our community better.” -KS
CTC needs you to share your experience and expertise as a member of the board of directors. Being a director means you are behind the wheel, the driving force to shape policy in our community. The board of directors works closely with CTC management to ensure a sustainable future and a vibrant community for CTC.
You would be an asset on the board of directors if you have interest or experience in ANY of the following areas: families, management, policy, finance, volunteering, social work, international affairs, politics, science, children, law, public health, languages, engineering, diversity, green living, communications, organizational behavior or community programs.
The board member job description and application is available online. Have additional questions? Feel free to stop in to meet with General Manager Kris Graham for details of the work of the board or emailkgraham@umnctc.org. Completed applications can be submitted to the CTC Office. Please submit applications by Friday, April 8, 2016.
All CTC members in good standing can be a board member (You don’t have to be a student to join)
Board members meet one evening each month for 1 ½ hours (some additional time is requested for additional events) Board members generally serve a two-year term.
Community Meeting Invite
The Comcast/Infinity Cable T.V. service contract is ending soon, so the CTC Board of Directors is asking residents to consider a decision that would change the type of communication service included in the cost of rent. Currently, cable T.V. is included, but Comcast/Infinity has offered CTC a bulk rate for 75mbps of Internet access, instead of cable T.V., for the same cost as they are currently charging for cable T.V. service.
Because many past and current residents have stated a preference for Internet access as a part of living at CTC, the board is considering Comcast's offer for Internet. This would mean that cable would no longer be purchased as a bulk rate, therefore not included in the cost of rent.
There will be several opportunities available for residents to give input and ask questions regarding this change:
The Board will holding a community meeting in the upstairs party room on Wednesday, April 27th, at 6:30pm. You are encouraged to attend and join a discussion with other residents and a representative of Comcast about this change and what it will mean to you. During Spring clean-up, there will be an informal survey available to each resident, results which the Board will take into consideration. And, as always, residents are welcome to attend any Board of Directors meeting. The next meeting will be May 4, 6:30pm at the community center.
We are in the early stages of this decision, so please plan to attend and participate in the opportunities provided in order to get the best, first-hand information.
Thanks to all of you.
CTC Board of Directors