Maintenance Corner
Portable Washer/Dryer Policy
Washing Machines and Dryers are not allowed in the units as they cause excess moisture and
major damage to units when leaks occur. Having individual portable washer/dryer units is also
a violation of the laundry service contract with our vendor MacGray. Based on our laundry
vendor service agreement, water/moisture damage, safety and noise, laundry equipment
(washer/dryer units) may not be used or stored in any CTC unit. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in a $250.00 fine
and/or lease infraction with possible lease termination.
New Recycling & Refuse Contractor
Walters Recycling & Refuse will be the new garbage and recycling service provider starting mid-April 2015. All new garbage and recycling containers will be delivered with the lid colors distinguishing between Garbage (Black lid) and Recycling (Orange lid). The recycling will be single sort, meaning ALL recyclables can go in the recycling bin. A detailed guide of recyclable items will be posted on the recycling bins. The Recycling guide will also be made available online. The weekly service schedule will be Garbage (Black lid) emptied on Mondays and Thursdays; Recycling (Orange lid) will be emptied on Tuesdays.
Heating System Operation
Another winter is coming to an end, but we still need heat to keep the apartments warm. One thing you may notice about the heat in your apartment is while the living space itself is comfortably warm, the fintube radiation that keeps your apartment warm is not. Do not be concerned about this. This is because your thermostats have reached the level of heat desired and stopped the flow of water through the heating pipes. As your apartment starts to cool again the thermostats will open up the flow of water and re heat your space again. This is a normal cycle and happens throughout the whole heating season.
Washing Machines and Dryers are not allowed in the units as they cause excess moisture and
major damage to units when leaks occur. Having individual portable washer/dryer units is also
a violation of the laundry service contract with our vendor MacGray. Based on our laundry
vendor service agreement, water/moisture damage, safety and noise, laundry equipment
(washer/dryer units) may not be used or stored in any CTC unit. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in a $250.00 fine
and/or lease infraction with possible lease termination.
New Recycling & Refuse Contractor
Walters Recycling & Refuse will be the new garbage and recycling service provider starting mid-April 2015. All new garbage and recycling containers will be delivered with the lid colors distinguishing between Garbage (Black lid) and Recycling (Orange lid). The recycling will be single sort, meaning ALL recyclables can go in the recycling bin. A detailed guide of recyclable items will be posted on the recycling bins. The Recycling guide will also be made available online. The weekly service schedule will be Garbage (Black lid) emptied on Mondays and Thursdays; Recycling (Orange lid) will be emptied on Tuesdays.
Heating System Operation
Another winter is coming to an end, but we still need heat to keep the apartments warm. One thing you may notice about the heat in your apartment is while the living space itself is comfortably warm, the fintube radiation that keeps your apartment warm is not. Do not be concerned about this. This is because your thermostats have reached the level of heat desired and stopped the flow of water through the heating pipes. As your apartment starts to cool again the thermostats will open up the flow of water and re heat your space again. This is a normal cycle and happens throughout the whole heating season.