Community Announcements
Annual Members Meeting
Wednesday, April 13, 2016 6:30pm
Members Meeting will begin promptly at 6:30pm
(Member required participatory event)
St. Paul Student Center North Star Ballroom
Elect new Board members.
Early Bird drawing 6:15pm for IPad Mini and other Great Door Prizes!
Grand Prize Drawing for IPad will conclude the meeting
Saturday, April 23, 2016
(Rain back- up date Saturday April 30th)
Watch for clean-up details
ALL Members are required to participate as a fulfillment of membership
Non-members are welcome to participate
Laundry Service Reminders
New Laundry Cards & Laundry Card Refund Envelopes - available at the CTC Office
Add-Value Machines – located in the Community Center Building & Study Center (south door Gibbs Ave accessible with the laundry room key)
New Laundry Machines – install starting Friday April 1st in the listed laundry rooms. Reference map for building numbers and locations (Ward 1 Building 5, Ward 3 Building 8, Ward 6 Building 55, Ward 8 Building 17, Ward 9 Building 50, Ward 10 Building 26, Ward 14 Building 48, Ward 15 Building 44) The remaining machines will be installed Monday April 4th- Wednesday April 6th.
Upcoming CTC Event Reminders (click each title for more information)
Able to help with any of the below events? Email community@umnctc.org.
Find all CTC events on our Events Calendar at www.umnctc.org
Cultural Sharing Series- MINNESOTA
Saturday, April 23, 2016
5:00PM - Community Center Building
Garden Plot Lottery
Thursday, April 14, 2016
7:00pm- Upstairs room of Community Center
Yoga will be back April 11th at CTC
Yoga classes will be back on Mondays starting April 11th through May 23rd.
Free Movie Night
Friday, April 15, 2016, 6pm
Movie: Open Season, PG
Cooking Class- CANCELLED for April.
Volunteers are still needed for May, June, July and August.
Spring Yard Sale
Saturday, May 21, 2016 from 8am-1pm
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Shares now Open.
Earth Dance Farm offers fresh local grown produce options delivered to CTC.
Would you like to help preserve our Monarch Waystation?
We are looking for volunteers to help monitor the site, upkeep Milkweed and watering. Please email community@umnctc.org if interested.
Intersted in having a Portuguese Language Class?
If interested, please contact community@umnctc.org. We have a volunteer willing to teach if enough interest is expressed.
Moving Out? Be sure to submit vacate form 60 days in advance and review move out checklist and guidelines Learn more
RECYCLING @ CTC check out the recycling resource Guide
CTC Classifieds Have items for Sale - looking for sale items? CTC Classifieds online is available for all CTC residents.
If you are a current CTC resident selling or wanting to purchase items
Email your information to ctc@umnctc.org to be posted
Renters Insurance A good investment to protect all of your personal belongings in the event of an unforeseen circumstance. CTC is not responsible for tenant’s personal belongings.