Board of Directors Corner
Dear Neighbors:
We had a great Annual Meeting (4/19/18) with a new format and we would love to receive feedback. As a board, we were very happy we could recognize community members for their volunteer work, and glad the election process ran smoothly. This year we had an easy voting process with five candidates to fill five spots. However, we want you to know that to follow our bylaws it is important to have you all vote no matter how many candidates apply.
We also want to thank the office and all the volunteers that helped to make the Community Celebration a success. It was a great opportunity to meet new neighbors and enjoy with family and friends.
Now that it is summer, we want to encourage you to enjoy the time with your neighbors. This is the time of the year that the community is more alive. Having the chance to use our backyards and playgrounds is what makes us love living at CTC. With this, we want to touch upon safety measures around the upcoming University construction projects (Phase IV roof replacement, gas line upgrade and the electrical infrastructure upgrade). It will be a busy season, so please be sure and report any safety concerns/hazards on the side of the contractors. It is also important that parents make sure their kids are staying clear of the construction sites for precautionary measures.
Have a wonderful summer!
Javiera Monardez
Board Director