Unite with our Co-op Committees!
Hello Everyone!
We are very excited to start this new fiscal year with our new board members, and begin launching new projects within the community. The board already has elected it's 2019-2020 Executive Committee and we are ready to start working together for the Co-op.
Now, we need you! We are recruiting members for the Programs Committee and the Operations Committee.The Programs Committee works on developing events, activities and meetings to create community. The Operations committee promotes policy initiatives that can improve and energize the community. We will meet on September 11 from 5:30 to 7. Please stop by if you are interested in doing anything in the Community, or if you want to learn more about these committees. Even if you don't want to commit but you have an idea, come and bring it to us. We will have food, and it will be a great opportunity to meet neighbors and give your opinion. This is also a good opportunity to suggest activities for the different groups that live in CTC, such as families with young kids, single students, families with older kids, couples with no kids, etc.
This year, we have seen an increase in the interest of neighbors in volunteering. So, I think this will be a great year full of new projects and events to make our community stronger and supportive for all.
Thank you, and see you on September 11th at 5:30 pm!
Javi Monardez
Upcoming Board Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting: August 28, 2019- 6:30pm Fireplace Room
Expand Board of Directors and Meeting Details