Board of Directors Corner
Fellow CTC residents,
I hope all of you are having an enjoyable summer! Isn’t CTC a great place to live? After a cold Minnesota winter we enjoy being outdoors and having our windows open to the breeze. Make the most of it while it lasts – but don’t forget to play safe! Don’t leave home with your windows open, and remind children to watch out for cars. And for those water fights, consider having the kids use wet sponges instead of water balloons – just as fun, wet and messy, but safer overall (and reusable, too!)
Speaking of safety – plan to join your neighbors Tuesday, August 1st for our annual National Night Out celebration. This nation-wide event is designed to help build a sense of safe community and cooperation with our local police. As usual, we’ll kick off the evening off with a potluck meal, and will be joined by police officers (and maybe even a police dog!) who love the opportunity to get to know us, the people they protect day-to-day. Come on out for some fun and get to meet your new neighbors!
Watch your e-mail for more information in the coming weeks.
On another note, I remind you that the CTC Board of Directors and CTC Management are committed to listening to your concerns. We are here to serve you. There are a number of ways you can share your comments and concerns with us:
• In-person – Fill out a Community Voices Form in the CTC office
• Online – Contact us under the drop-down menu under Resident Relations
• By e-mail – Write to community@umnctc.org, your ward rep, or one of your board members
• In-person – Come to a Board meeting and share your concern in person. Meetings are generally at 6:30 on the 4th Wednesday of each month (but check the Monthly Meeting Agenda to be sure of the date & time.)
Have a great summer, everyone!
Chris, CTC Board Secretary