Board of Directors Corner
Greetings Neighbors,
On behalf of your Board of Directors, I am writing to update you on the current happenings of our work and encourage your engagement as we continue to promote quality housing and community at CTC. July marks the end of term for a few of our board members (myself included) and the onboarding of newly elected members Fabian Chamba and Louai AlArabi.
This turnover gives us a chance to prioritize and evaluate ongoing projects and goals for the Board of Directors.
Before I get into that, I want to give accolades to the management team for a swift and dedicated response to the theft of an unmarked set of maintenance keys. Precautionary lock changes across the property and increased security patrols, including the use of portable tower cameras, from university police were part of a thorough effort to ensure the ongoing safety of residents. Many thanks to our management for their hard work and attention to this matter and we are happy to now know that the stolen keys have been recovered and security should be assured.
In addition to addressing these urgent matters, the board and management are working to support each other on other community initiatives. One such ongoing conversation regards the future of a CTC Pet Policy and has involved consultation from the University Disability Resource Center on ESA/ASA animals. A Pet Task Force had also been assembled to give some direction and focus to the ramifications of giving dogs eligible pet status. The board will continue to look at next steps and considerations.
Additionally, following the changeover of our investment management portfolio, the board was charged with revising our Investment Policy Statement. Investment Policy Statements are meant to serve as general rules to advise the investment manager, stating goals and objectives of our organization and describing strategies to employ to meet those objectives. This unique Co-op document, spearheaded by board member Paul Bigwood, is currently under board review with the intention to finalize at the upcoming July Board Meeting.
Another broad focus of the board is working with Housing and Residential Life to incorporate our Co-op’s success into larger university plans. As strategic plans move forward at the University level, the board must continue to express their interests and objectives so that our voices are heard.
At least one vacancy still remains on the board. If any of the issues named here spark interest for you and/or you are looking to be more involved in this very special community, please contact the office staff immediately or reach out to any current board member and they will advise you on how you can participate.
With many warm thanks for the wonderful opportunity to represent you these past two years,
Grace Bell