Board of Directors Corner
Greetings Neighbors,
During this summer, some of CTC board seats were replaced since previous directors finished their terms or moved on to bigger plans. The newly selected directors are Brook Daniel Demissie and Do Yeon Hwang. As it is the start of our term, we have elected our executive committee to be Javiera Mondardez Popelka as Chair, Fabian Chamba as a Vice Chair, Paul Bigwood as Secretary, and Louai Alarabi as Treasure.
Like other Minnesota cities, CTC has been under construction this summer. The constructions (roof replacement, gas line and electrical infrastructure upgrade) are almost completed, and have been informed that these projects should be completed by mid of September. Community voices have been expressed to CTC management team that residents would like more detailed information on construction progresses and specifics to locations that projects will be happening. The CTC Management Team wants to give thanks to the community residents for endure the construction season.
Last but not least, as we near the start of the new academic year, we see many new neighbors moved in. We welcome new residents and hope to help them adjust in the new place. CTC will be hosting the Welcome Back Breakfast on September 11, 2018. There is also an English Conversation Group that meets every Tuesday morning. For the latest updates, events and programs at CTC, please check emails, CTC website, and Facebook.
We encourage community residents to individually welcome new neighbor. As we know, we do not come across our neighbors much after the weather turns chilly. This is the best time get to know your new neighbors.
We hope you enjoy beautiful fall and have a great start to new semester.
Do Yeon Hwang
CTC Board Directors