Board of Directors Corner
Hello Neighbors!
The Management and Board of Directors are pleased to announce a new program to increase community involvement in the Co-op; a new way for you to bring your improvement suggestions and compliments to Management and the Board. This new program is called “Community Voices.”
Community Voices
Do have an idea to help improve the Co-op? We definitely want to learn about it!
Share your improvement suggestions or compliments by way of:
- community@umnctc.org or your Ward Rep or Board Member
- Contact us under the drop-down menu Resident Relations
In the Office
- Stop in to complete a Community Voices Form
If you have Board orientated focus, such as policy suggestions or input on cooperative goals, residents are welcome to share their voice during the monthly Board meeting at 6:45pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month.
The CTC Board of Directors meets in the Community Center Building. Monthly meeting agendas can be found online under Resident Relations - Board of Directors.
Safety Alert
Summer weather has come, and many of us are finally stepping outside to enjoy the beautiful days. Our children are finally getting the chance to bleed off that energy that they have stored up all winter; many of them are happily cruising around on their bicycles. Because of this, we want to share a few safety tips we should all keep in mind:
· Biking on CTC property should be done on the sidewalks, not the streets.
· When backing up your car, take great care to look behind you and be observant.
· Do not speed in the parking lots.
· Strongly consider having your child wear a helmet, and wear one yourself!