Community Announcements
24 hours maintenance emergency dial 651-646-7526
Parking Policy Enforcement Resumes
Vehicles without valid permits and improperly parked are subject to ticket, tow or vehicle immobilization.
All Visitor and Second car spaces are designated for Visitor or Second car permitted vehicles ONLY
First car parking (RED tag) will be open on a first come first serve basis in areas NOT designated for Visitor, Second Car, Staff or Handicap parking
Second car (BLUE tag) must park in designated second car area locations ONLY
Visitors must have valid visitor tag properly hung from rearview mirror
All vehicles must have valid parking permits at all times
*See included map of designated second car and visitor locations
Fall Pest Control Reminders
The house mouse is remarkably well-adapted for living year-round in homes, food establishments and other structures. Residents are especially likely to notice mice during winter, following their fall migration indoors in search of warmth, food and shelter. Once mice become established inside a home, they can be extremely difficult to control, especially when unreported.
*Preventive measures you can take
-Be sure to keep all doors closed
-Keep all grain foods (i.e. rice, cereal, bread) contained in plastic containers
-Be sure NOT to leave food out
-Maintain a clean household (i.e. sweep and mop floors regularly)
-Report sightings and traces of rodents to CTC Office for Pest Control treatment
Holiday Office Hours
In Observance of Thanksgiving
Thursday 11/26-CLOSED
Friday 11/27-CLOSED
Winter Parking at CTC – Plan in advance
Snow Emergencies: will be declared on an as needed basis with advance notice
Traveling over winter months: If you travel over the winter months be sure to make arrangements for your vehicle to be moved in case of snow emergency to avoid being towed. Store your vehicle at another location or give a friend your car keys to move if necessary. CTC has a designated winter parking lot area on a monthly fee basis.
Contact CTC Office about the winter “Snow Bird” parking area available on a come first serve basis. Parking fees will apply.
Upcoming CTC Event Reminders
Toddler Time
Tuesdays at 10am Community Center Play Room
Did you know we have a Play Room in the Community Center building? Check out a key at the CTC front desk to use the Play Room.
The Play Room is open to all CTC residents.
Cooking Class
Thursday November 19, 2015 6:00pm
Upstairs Kitchen in the Community Center Building
If you're interested in performing a cooking demonstration yourself, please email Shanea at community@umnctc.org
Kids' Movie Night!
Friday November 20, 2015 Upstairs Room at 6:00pm!
Movie: The Great Mouse Detective
Volunteers are STILL needed! Please contact Shanea at community@umnctc.org to volunteer
Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner
Sunday, November 22, 2015 - 2:00PM-5:00PM
Community Center Building - Bring a dish to share. Food served at 2:30PM
Register at the CTC office by November 16, 2015
Volunteers are needed to make this event a success. Please contact Shanea at community@umnctc.org
Find all CTC events on our Events Calendar at www.umnctc.org
Moving Out? Be sure to submit vacate form 60 days in advance and review move out checklist and guidelines Learn more
CTC Classifieds
Have items for Sale - looking for sale items? CTC Classifieds online is available for all CTC residents.
If you are a current CTC resident selling or wanting to purchase items
Email your information to ctc@umnctc.org to be posted