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Ongoing + Future Projects

Now that the initial primary focus of the ad hoc Landscape and Environmental Design task force has been achieved (that is, we have implemented a new, lower input turf management program), we feel that it is time for the task force to be merged with the standing Operations Committee. All interested residents are welcome and encouraged to participate in these committee meetings. When schedules settle down in the fall, we will establish regular monthly or bimonthly meetings to accommodate as many interested parties as possible. Please watch for future details to our September recruitment meeting.
The Landscape and Environmental Design task force will continue conversations through the summer as we continue work in our communication plan, low maintenance turf options and compliance of yard/flower bed planting and weed control policies.
Historically, the Operations Committee has dealt with safety in our community including light outage, neighborhood watch and season reminders. They have also installed the two little libraries we enjoy on property. In addition, the committee has been discussing the ongoing topic of composting guidelines and use. Moving forward, it will continue to address these areas, but will also include reducing costs and increasing sustainability with low maintenance turf options, a contact email directly to the committee, playground install review and future plans, seasonal reminders, and laundry cleaning improvements. The agenda priority of these items will be determined this fall when the committee is established.  
If you have any interest or questions, please feel free to reach out to the Operations Committee by contacting Shanea Schmelling, Operations Manager at You will be added to the email list and personally invited to our September recruitment meeting.
Thank you,
LED Task Force