Maintenance Corner
Be sure to report - Leaky Faucets or Necessary Maintenance Repairs
Call: (651) 646-7526 Email: ctc@umnctc.org Web: online work order
Be sure to report all maintenance problems immediately. There is no service charge for repairs and adjustments
Please report to help reduce future costly usage expense.
Parking Policy Enforcement
Increased parking enforcement patrols
All vehicles must have valid parking permits at all times
Vehicles without valid permits or improperly parked are subject to $40 ticket, tow or vehicle immobilization
All Visitor and Second car spaces are designated for Visitor or Second car permitted vehicles ONLY
Visitors must have valid visitor tag properly hung from rearview mirror
First car parking (RED tag) will be open on a first come first serve basis in areas NOT designated for Visitor or Second car
Second car (BLUE tag) must park in designated second car area locations ONLY
24 hours maintenance emergency dial 651-646-7526
For a live operator follow the voice prompts
If something looks suspicious call
Dial 911
Be aware of your surroundings
Commonwealth Terrace Cooperative
1250 Fifield Street, Falcon Heights, MN 55108 - 651-646-7526
Office Hours: M-Th: 8AM-12PM, 1PM-4:30PM • Fr: 9AM-3:00PM