Maintenance Corner
Starting Wednesday October 11th the boiler systems will be turned on for the season. REMINDER REMOVE and CANCEL Air Conditioners
*Be sure to place window screens back in window – if you need help or have questions contact us 651-646-7526 or ctc@umnctc.org
CTC Gardeners!
As the end of gardening season nears –here are a few reminders
Please be sure to clean your garden plot space to receive your $25.00 deposit refund. All garden plots need to be clear of plants/vegetables (uproot), fencing, posts and all garden materials.
Garden tools (rakes and spade shovels are available for check-out at the CTC Office).
ALL organic material can be placed in the nearest compost bin or pile next to plot.
Remember to remove all fence and any other garden materials.
Once you have cleaned your garden plot PLEASE confirm with the office.
Final inspections of all garden plots will take place closer to cooler frost temperatures.
We will send notice of final garden plot inspection dates.
Community reminder of our Smoke-Free Living Environment
CTC is a smoke-free living environment. There is NO smoking of any substance allowed on the complex. Resident and Resident’s guests are to refrain from smoking any substance or using or inhaling from any device, e-cigarette, or "vaping" that simulates smoking in the Apartment or anywhere in or on the Complex (including while in vehicles or Complex grounds) and to report to Agent any violation of the no smoking policy. This policy is in effect for all residents and their visitors, and guests. If you or your guests violate the policy; a first and final warning with a $50 violation fine will be assessed. Second violation is automatic eviction.
Parents & Kids Safety Reminders
Street bike/roller blading/skateboard riding in the streets – kids should bike, blade or skate only on the sidewalks around the community. With high levels of vehicle traffic throughout CTC, it is dangerous for kids to bike, blade or skate in the parking lot areas. Please remind kids to wear helmets and stay on the sidewalks within the community.
Kids in recycling dumpsters – recently there have been occurrences of young kids jumping into the recycling bins to retrieve boxes to make forts. This is an unsafe practice. We ask kids stay out of the recycling and dumpster containers.