State Fair Reminders
Thursday, August 26 - Monday, September 6, 2021
Every late August, the Minnesota State Fair is revived next door to our co-op — flourishing with butter sculptures, animals, food, rides, shows, things we've never seen and things we do every year. The Minnesota State Fair is the second largest in the nation (trailing only the State Fair of Texas, which generally runs twice as long) with over two million people attending the two week event in 2019.
The fair brings many exciting things and opportunities to the ~good folks~ of Minnesota, attracting people from every inch of the state. For CTC, the State Fair also brings a little more, however. Please read the critical reminders below to ensure the safety of your property.
With the State Fair starting Thursday, August 26, we want to remind you of the increased parking enforcement at CTC. You must have a properly displayed resident in your vehicle at all times that it is on CTC property. Properly displayed means hanging from the rear view mirror or taped to the dashboard. Any space not designated for staff, child care, visitors or handicap are available for residents to park in.
Visitors: CTC visitors must have a valid and properly displayed visitors parking permit in the vehicle at all times that it is on CTC property. Visitor permits must be current and not expired. Visitors can only park in visitor parking spaces. Households are not limited to the amount of visitor passes they can receive during this time, in which the visitor spaces will be first come, first serve. If your visitor finds that all the visitor spaces full, they will need to park off CTC property. Residents can now self-administer Visitor Parking Permits online, as needed, through their RentCafe account under menu option 'Resident Resources.'
The CTC Patrols during the Fair will no longer be issuing tickets. All vehicles in violation of CTC’s parking policy will be towed without warning. Avoid any chance of getting towed by parking in the appropriate designated spaces, updating any changes in your car information with the office, and properly displaying your parking permit at all times.
Remember that with the increased traffic (foot & otherwise) in the area during the Fair that it is crucial to lock your cars, keep your homes secure, and not leave any toys, bikes, etc., unattended and available for theft.
As an individual, please keep an eye out and report any criminal activity whether you are a registered Safety Committee volunteer or not. The multiplied effect of hundreds of eyes and ears has the most impact on keeping our community safe, secure, and ready to respond to any threats.
Report crime by calling 911 or the non-emergency line at 612-624-2677. More on reporting criminal activity.
Join CTC's State Fair Patrol
Help keep our community clean and safe by picking up a patrol shift during the State Fair! In exchange, our volunteer team is rewarded with free tickets to the fair. Sign-up opens on August 18 @ 8 am!