Community Room Reservations
Available Rooms
Any CTC resident can reserve space as long as the space and time is available and permits. There are four rooms available in the Community Center (1250 Fifield Ave) for reservation: Meeting Room, Upstairs Room, Playroom, and Kitchen. For bigger events, these rooms can also be rented in multiples for the same event!
Meeting Room (1st floor)
The Meeting Room serves as a private conference room, including tables, chairs, a fridge, and recently renovated outdoor patio area.
COVID-19 UpdateIn partnership with CCCC, the Meeting Room is not available for reservations until further notice. |
UPSTAIRS ROOM (2nd floor)
The Upstairs Room is our largest and most versatile event room, which can be used as a banquet or dance hall, or a sizable conference room. This room featuring tables, chairs, audio visual equipment.
Playroom (2nd floor)
The Playroom contains a play area with plenty of toys for a variety of ages.
KITCHEN (2nd floor)
The Kitchen offers an option for sink, fridge, stove top and oven, with tables and chairs.
Make a Reservation
To get started, here are a few details of the Room Reservation policy:
- Submit a room reservation request form.
- The reservation request must be submitted with at least 72 hours in advance of the scheduled event.
- The indicated "Start Time" and "End Time" on the form reflects the entire amount of time that you will have access to the room/s. Thus, ensure to designate an earlier or later time to allow time to set-up before or clean-up after your event.
- Submitting the form is a request, not a guarantee. If the room/s are available at your desired time, then CTC's office will confirm your reservation via email.
Fee ScheduleCTC’s Board of Directors approves the fines and fees charged by CTC on an annual basis. The facility rental fees and staff service fees are included in the Fee Schedule of the current fiscal year. All applicable fees will be assessed to the individual’s resident account (available to view and pay via RentCafe) after the Event/Reservation date.
Damage/Cleaning Fees:Any room that sustains damage or is not cleaned up during a reservation can result in the resident being assessed damages and clean-up costs.
Waiving Rental Fees:The following are the conditions by which rental fees can be waived, as approved by CTC in advance of the rental:
Cancellation/Refund Policy
- Reservation cancellations within 24 hours of the event will incur a $10 late cancelation fee.
- Keys for room reservations are due back the following business day after the event. Keys that are not returned the next business day or are lost are subject to a $40 fee. It is recommended to return the keys immediately after the reservation ends, while still in the building.
- Any room that sustains damage or is not cleaned up during a reservation can result in a resident being assessed damages and clean-up costs
- The resident who placed the reservation must be present at the event, and all children must be supervised throughout the entirety of the reservation.
- Full guidelines on the room reservation request form.
Contact the Office
If you have an event coming up and are interested in utilizing the reservation service, please visit the CTC front desk and we can get you started!